Getting Started

Get started with your involvement in the Elks Drug Awareness Program


We, at the Elks, have been steadfastly committed to developing an effective, community-based drug prevention program since our inception in 1982. Our key partnerships with critical federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Office of National Drug Control Policy, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, as well as national organizations like Pride Youth Programs, have been central to our success. We've also managed to foster valuable collaborations with the DEA and various influential Hollywood stars, ensuring that our Drug Awareness Program is comprehensive and addresses the most pressing drug abuse issues facing our communities today.

Our firm belief in the potential of today's youth, who we know will become the leaders of tomorrow, drives our mission. Therefore, our Drug Awareness Program extends its reach to young people of all ages, from all backgrounds and walks of life. Through our extensive network of 1,994 Lodges nationwide, we're dedicated to combating youth substance abuse, one community at a time.

Elroy the Elk, our program's friendly and relatable mascot, serves as a constant reminder to young children that "hugs are better than drugs". For older kids, we make the effects of alcohol consumption tangible and understandable through innovative tools like fatal vision goggles. Each year, we distribute over seven million pieces of anti-drug literature to parents, teachers, and children, primarily via our 135 drug education trailers that visit community gatherings such as fairs, carnivals, and sporting events.

Collaborations and Educational Materials

In an effort to make our message resonate with younger audiences, we've collaborated with Marvel to create a unique comic book. This engaging material features popular Marvel superheroes and Elroy the Elk joining forces in a battle against underage drinking. This creative approach enables us to communicate the serious consequences of substance abuse in a format that is both relatable and entertaining for our young readers.

Beyond the comic book, our program offers a comprehensive range of educational materials tailored to different age groups and audiences. These include prevention tools for parents, videos, coloring books, posters, and public service announcements. Each of these resources is designed to provide accurate information about the dangers of drug use and to promote healthy and drug-free lifestyles.

Continued Efforts and Future Direction

Recognizing the immense influence of popular culture, we've joined forces with Hollywood stars who are personally committed to drug prevention. These celebrities endorse our program and help us raise awareness about the pervasive issue of substance abuse. Their influence and reach allow us to connect with a broader audience, especially the youth.

Our collaboration with the DEA is another cornerstone of our efforts. This strategic partnership allows us to stay informed about current drug trends and challenges, equipping us to adapt and enhance our program accordingly. Furthermore, it affords us the opportunity to jointly host community events and initiatives, thereby extending our program's reach and impact.

Public speakers, such as Ray Lozano and Dr. Heather Talks, play a pivotal role in our Drug Awareness Program. Their engaging presentations, backed by their expert insights and deep understanding of the issues surrounding substance abuse, further enrich our program's educational offerings. They help us empower young people with the knowledge and confidence they need to make informed decisions about drugs.

At the very heart of our efforts is our unwavering belief in the potential of today's youth. We are devoted to providing them with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to resist the lure of drugs and to make positive choices in their lives. Through our multifaceted approach, which combines robust education, extensive outreach, and strategic partnerships, our Drug Awareness Program continues to make a significant and meaningful impact in communities across the country.